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- Arches
- Billy Showell
- Bob Ross
- Bockingford
- Bruynzeel
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- Canson
- Canson Mi Teintes
- Canson Mi Teintes Touch
- Canson Mi Teintes Velvet
- Caran d'Ache
- Centura Pearl
- Clairefontaine
- Clairefontaine Pastelmat
- Clover
- Coates
- Coliro Finetec
- Colorset
- Conqueror
- Cretacolor
- Curious Metallics
- Daler Rowney
- Daniel Smith
- Derwent
- Docrafts
- Faber Castell Playing & Learning
- Fabriano
- Fabriano Artistico
- Frisk
- GardaPat 13 Klassica
- Groz Beckert
- Hahnemühle
- Hahnemühle LanaColours
- Hahnemühle Velour
- Hearty Soft
- Heidi Feathers
- Hunkydory
- Jakar
- Karin Markers
- Khadi
- Koh-I-Noor
- Kuretake
- Liquitex
- Metallic Pearl
- Möbius + Ruppert
- Payperbox
- Pebeo
- Pigma Micron
- Pilot
- Premium Card
- Premium Paper
- Premium Pearlescent
- Princeton
- ProArte
- Ranger
- Raphael
- Royal Sovereign
- Royal Talens
- Sakura
- Sakura Gelly Roll
- Saunders Waterford
- Sculpey
- Seed and Meadow Papers
- Sennelier
- Sew & Sew On
- So Silk
- Sock Creatures
- Staedtler
- Stardream Pearlescent
- Strathmore
- The Crafty Kit Company
- The Tube
- Tiziano
- Tombow
- Wingham Wool
- Winsor & Newton
- Zest-it
Coliro Finetec
- Duocolour
- Jewel Surface
- Original Surface
- Star Surface
- Additional
- All Mixed Layered & Colour packs
- Black
- Black & White
- Blended Fibres
+ More- Less
- Blender
- Blender Clear
- Blue
- Blue Green
- Blue Green Earth
- Blue Violet
- Bronze
- Brown
- Brown Earth
- Burnt Sienna
- Carbon Black
- Clear
- Cool Tones
- Copper
- Cream
- Dark Grey
- Diarylide Yellow
- Extender
- Extra Dark
- Glow in the dark
- Gold
- Green
- Grey
- Grey Tones
- Greyscale
- Hansa Yellow
- Holographic
- Ivory
- Light Blue
- Light Grey
- Magenta
- Metallic
- Mixed
- Mixed Set
- Mixed Tonal Collections
- Natural
- Nature
- Neon
- Opaline
- Orange
- Peach
- Pearl
- Pearlescent
- Pink
- Purple
- Rainbow
- Red
- Red Earth
- Rose
- Sepia
- Shade
- Silver
- Stone
- Tint
- Translucent
- Turquoise
- White
- Yellow
- Yellow Green
- Yellow Green Earth
- -A-Easy
- -B-Improver
- -C-Enthusiast
Ink Colour
- Black
- Blue
- Green
- Pink
- Purple
+ More- Less
- Red
- Turquoise
- Artisan Water Mixable Oil
- Caran d'Ache Sketching Set
- Donna Downey
- Ecoline Brush Pens
- Faber Castell 9000
+ More- Less
- Fibralo Brush Pens
- Grafcube
- Grafstone
- Grafwood Pencils
- Graphite Aquarelle
- Jason Morgan
- Julia Woning
- Les Darlow
- Lisa Ann Watkins
- Mars Lumograph
- Neocolor I
- Nero
- Nero Oil Pencils
- Pitt Graphite Matt Pencil
- Staedtler Easy Brush
- Technalo
- Tombow ABT
- Winton Oil 200ml
- Winton Oil 37ml
- Winton Oil Set
- Wolff's Carbon pencil
Nib Type
- Brush
- Calligraphy
- Chisel
- Fine Line
Paint Accessories
- Watercolour Ceramic
- Extra Dark
- Mediums
- Metallic
- Pearlescent
- Pure Colour
+ More- Less
- Shades
- Tints
Paper Surface
- 100% Cotton
- Acrylic & Oil Paper
- Artboard
- Calligraphy
- Cold Pressed / NOT
+ More- Less
- Drawing Paper
- Glassine Protective Paper
- Hammered Effect
- Handmade
- Handmade Seed Papers
- Hot Pressed / Smooth
- Mixed Media
- Papercutting Specialty Papers
- Pastel & Drawing
- Pastel & Fine Art
- Pastel Pads
- Rough
- Watercolour Book
Paper Weight
- 100gsm
- 120gsm
- 125gsm
- 130gsm
- 150gsm
+ More- Less
- 160gsm
- 200gsm
- 210gsm
- 240gsm
- 250gsm
- 280 - 300gsm
- 300gsm
- 30gsm
- 310gsm
- 320gsm
- 60gsm
- 640gsm
- 70gsm
- 90gsm
select by brand name
- Caran d'Ache Luminance Coloured Pencils
- Caran d'Ache Museum Aquarelle Watersoluble Pencils
- Caran d'Ache Pablo Coloured Pencils
- Caran d'Ache Pastel Pencils
- Conté à Paris
+ More- Less
- Cretacolor Pastel Pencil
- Derwent Chromaflow Coloured Pencils
- Derwent Chromalfow Coloured Pencils
- Derwent Coloursoft Coloured Pencils
- Derwent Graphitint Watersoluble Pencils
- Derwent Inktense Watersoluble Pencils & Paint
- Derwent Lightfast Coloured Pencils
- Derwent Pastel Pencils
- Derwent Procolour Coloured Pencils
- Derwent Professional Drawing Pencils
- Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer Watersoluble Pencils
- Faber Castell Black Edition Coloured Pencils
- Faber Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils
- Faber Castell Polychromos Coloured Pencils
- STABILO CarbOthello Pastel Pencils
- Uni POSCA Coloured Pencils
- Uni POSCA Coloured Wax Pastels
Select by Brush Shape
- Angled / Sword
- Chinese
- Fan
- Filbert / Oval
- Flat / One Stroke
+ More- Less
- Hake
- Landscape / Wash
- Miniature
- Mop
- Rigger
- Round
- Spotter
- Water Brush
Select by Category
- -Large Needle Felting Kits
- -Painting With Wool
- -Small Needle Felting Kits
- Acrylic Brushes
- Air Dry Clay
+ More- Less
- Animals
- Birds & Insects
- Brush Sets
- Catalyst Painting Tools
- CERNIT Glue & Varnish
- CERNIT Metallic
- CERNIT Mica Powders
- CERNIT Modelling Tools
- CERNIT Nature
- CERNIT Opaline
- CERNIT Pearl
- CERNIT Translucent
- Christmas
- Embroidery
- Embroidery Hoops
- Felting Handles
- Felting Needles
- FIMO Botanicals
- FIMO Effect
- FIMO Galaxy
- FIMO Gemstone
- FIMO Glitter
- FIMO Glow in the Dark
- FIMO Granite
- FIMO Leather Effect
- FIMO Liquid Gel
- FIMO Metallic Effect
- FIMO Neon
- FIMO Pastel
- FIMO Pearl
- FIMO Professional
- FIMO Soft
- FIMO Starter Sets & Gifts
- Flowers & Fruits
- Metal Leaf
- Moomin
- Moulds
- Multipurpose Brushes
- Oil Brushes
- Oil Paint Clearance
- Painting with Wool
- Palette Knife
- Pens
- Peter Rabbit
- Polymer Clay
- Reservoir Brushes
- Sewing Kit
- The Seaside
- Watercolour Brushes
Select by Needle Shape
- Crown
- Mixed Pack
- Star
- Triangle
- Twisted Spiral
Select by Needle Type
- Mixed Pack
- Sewing Wool Needle
- Use for Basic Shaping
- Use for Detailing
- Use for Fine details
+ More- Less
- Use for Reverse Felting / Fluff
Select by size
- 120 ml tube
- 20 ml tube
- 60 ml tube
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Iridescent
+ More- Less
- PrimaTek
- 12x12
- 1/4 Imerial
- 10x10cm
- 10x7 inches
- 10x8 inches
- 11x14inches
+ More- Less
- 12X10 inches
- 12x12cm
- 12x12inches
- 12x14 inches
- 12x16 inches
- 13x16cm
- 13x21cm
- 14x10 inches
- 14x14cm
- 15ml
- 18x24cm
- 18x26cms
- 20x20cm
- 21x25cm
- 24x30cm
- 24x32cm
- 25.4x25.4cm
- 28x38cm
- 30x30cm
- 30x40cm
- 32x41cm
- 36x48cm
- 37ml
- 3x5 inches
- 4 inches round
- 48x58cm
- 5ml
- 5x5 inches
- 5x5cm
- 5x7 inches
- 6x6 inches
- 7x10inches
- 7x5 inches
- 8x10 inches
- 8x8inches
- 9x12 inches
- 9x12inches
- 9x14cm
- A3
- A4
- A5
- A6
- A7
- A8
- Mixed
- PC-17K 17
- PC-1M - Fine Tip
- PC-1MR - Ultra Fine Tip
- PC-3M - Small Bullet Tip
- PC-5M - Medium Bullet Tip
- PC-8K - Broad Chisel Tip
- Acrylic Ink
- Acrylic Medium
- Acrylic Paint
- Ballpoint Pens
- Battery Eraser
+ More- Less
- Blending Sticks
- Book
- Bristol Board
- Bristol Board Vellum
- Brush Conditioner
- Canvas Board
- Card Blanks
- Card Packs
- Charcoal Pencil
- Colour Wheel
- Coloured Fineliners
- Coloured Gel Pens
- Cranfield Printing Inks
- Drawing Board
- Drawing Pencil
- Drawing Pencil set
- Décopatch
- Décopatch paper
- Embossed
- Empty Box
- Eraser
- Fineliner Pens
- FIxative
- Flourescent Pens
- Fountain Pens
- Gelly Roll Pens
- Gift Tags
- Grafcube
- Graphic Paper
- Greeting Card Blank
- Grey Lino
- Highlighter pens
- Holographic
- Layered Pearlescent Paper
- Linen Effect
- Manga Paper
- Marker Paper
- Masking fluid
- Mechanical Pencil
- Metallic Pens
- Mixed Pack
- Noris Club
- Notebook
- Oil Based drawing Pencil
- Oil Medium
- Oil Paint
- Oil Paint set
- Oil Paper
- Paint Pouring
- Palette
- PanPastel
- Panpastel sets
- PanPastel tools
- Papercutting Pearlescent
- Pastel
- Patterned
- Pearlescent
- Pearlescent Card
- Pearlescent Medium
- Pearlescent Paper
- Pencil Blending Medium
- Pencil medium
- Pink Speedy Carve
- POSCA Case
- POSCA Paint Pens
- POSCA Pen set
- Printing Inks
- Professional Oil Paint
- Professional Printing
- Promarker alcohol pens
- Putty Rubber
- Rollerball Pens
- Sandpaper
- Sharpener
- Smooth Card
- Soft Pastel Set
- SoftCut Lino
- Sparking Pens
- Sponge
- Stamping
- Student Paints
- tape
- Tools
- Tracing Paper
- Uni Pin Fine Line Waterproof
- Watercolour Medium
- Watersoluble Pencil
- White Pens
- Willow Charcoal
- Woodfree
Watercolour Sets
- Billy Showell
- Caran d'Ache Gouache
- Caran d'Ache Neocolor II
- Coliro Finetec
- Cotman
+ More- Less
- Daniel Smith
- Derwent Inktense
- Faber Castell
- Koi Sakura
- Kuretake
- Sennelier
- Van Gogh
- Viviva
- Winsor & Newton Professional
- 250g
- 454g