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Caran D'Ache Graphite Line

Caran d'Ache Graphite Line, has been designed a premium artist pencil range that explores all the different shades of grey - black . Graphite pencils are graded from hard to soft:
H pencils (H for hard) are best for fine and clear cut lines, F for Firm fine lines. They are perfectly suited for technical drawings (architecture and design) and tracing guide lines for your artwork.
B pencils (B for black) are soft and are perfect for intensity and shadowing. The softer the graphite, the faster they will get used up as they leave more matter on the paper.
HB pencils are versatile and medium hard, being right in the centre of the scale

. Technalo are a water-soluble pencil, use with a water brush to create a light wash on the page, available in a variety of options and subtle colours
.Grafstone are a pure graphite woodless pencil 
.Charcoal for intense black natural colours

